Spiritual Counseling

“Within you is the light of a thousand suns.”

- Robert Adams

My spiritual counseling practice is fundamentally about supporting people to connect with aspects of their human experience - body sensations, emotions, beliefs, intuition, higher guidance, etc. - as a gateway to realizing innate wisdom, compassion, and next steps in any area of life.

Though sessions vary widely in content and are tailored to each person’s need, the general format involves a check-in followed by a guided practice.

Areas covered in sessions have included: life purpose discernment, relationship support, end-of-life preparation, and intuitive development.

Clients come from all walks of life. No prior meditation or spiritual exposure is necessary.

Each session is 60-90 minutes long and a fee of $100.

Please contact me to set up a free consultation or to book a session.


Training &Tools


“Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.” - Rumi